Friday, May 31, 2013

Journey of Life

In the journey of life ppl meet many different ppl,all of thm r busy and in rush to get their goals and reach their overcome the loneliness of this journey a person makes different frnds.some friendships r for short time(its example is like when train stops on diff stations nd the passengers change).ppl make frnds to fulfil their needs nd to get today's world friendship which is everlasting and remains even after the goals are achieved is rare, to hope about such friendship is  people's mistake becoz they keep expectations and attach so many emotions and feelings with others. They shud knw tht everyone in this train has to leave at their desitined y do one expects others to travel with him to his destiny.he shud be aware tht whoever he meets in the journey of life deal with him friendly coz they want their part of journey to be smooth nd happy.