Sunday, May 31, 2009

Reading Newspaper or watching News:

When we read newspaper or watch news on tv we will find alot of news which are taken as ordinary news, a suicide bomb blast is an ordinary news,than there is a news that Pakistan have once again knocked the door of IMF, there is again call for strike across teh country, one school has been burnt, a journalist has been kidnapped, a doctor has been murdered in the hospital, these all are ordinary news,But the question is what is teh aftermath of all this?
When their is a strike or a rally whose loss is it ours or the ones who call for the strike, just think about a person who comes from some far away village to city just to earn a daily wage of Rs 200-250 and send some money back to his old mother or for the treatment of his ailing father or to his children, but on the day of strike their are no earnings and on this day his children will sleep without having food, his father will have no medicine to cure his disease, his children fees cannot be paid at that time nothing happens, our leaders shout on the media that get united tommorow we will have a strike, those who work for us are the sufferers of all these actions. This is not an ordinary news infact its not news at all, Our leaders in whose eyes the nation is ordinary so the problems concerned with the ordinary people ar also ordinary so why would they think about them.
Its my request that next time when You people read newspaper or watch news on television just try to feel the pain hidden in these ordinary news because only we ordinary people can understand the problems related with our nation.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hostel Life

Hostel is a place where people mostly students from far flung areas come to stay to pursue their studies.A hostel is a place where you meet people from different areas, sect,cast.There may be good people or bad.YOu dont have your parents and siblings around you, you get to see them after long time. One have to perform all those duties which our parents used to do for us.Do all your work by yourself, wash your cloths,dishes, keep your room clean.apart from all this study in a hostel is a lifetime experience as it teaches you how to cope with different situations, and my view everyone should have this experience so that they get a wider approach towards life and also get patience becoause in hostel nothing will be according to your will.
Every thing has two sides, that is good and bad, same is the case with the hostel life it has its own advantages and also disadvantages.I have to agree that in hostel we can concentrate more on studies as in our home because we dont have to attend guests,do the cooking stuff or other household chores,also hostel life gives person confidence as he have to do all his work by himself.Every hostel have its own rules and regulations which have to be followed by the students, some hostel have strict rules and other have some lenient rules.In our hostel the rules are somewhat strict as we are not allowed to go anywhere without prior permission, we have in and out timings,and we have to follow them.BUt their is also a misconception abt hostel life that students living in hostel r always studying and are bookworms because they dont have anyother activity but thts totally wrong just ask from peopl living in hostel they will tell you that how hours pass by when talking to a friends and we dont realize it.another hostelities are always late for classes and more prone to bunking classes.
A hostel teaches a person how to handle and cope with different situations and people, sometimes people dont cooperate with you and you have to do evrything on you own which teaches you many lessons that how to live independently.people can make god friends in hostel and like to keep that friendship for lifelong.In hostel you have to take decision mostly on your own,it teaches person many things which otherwise living with parents would not be possible.IN hostel we also learn how to survive alone and deal with any situation that we face wothout any help.
I have been living in hostel from past 5 years,for me hostel life has been good at times and also a liitle difficult.Before coming to hostel i was a spoon fed child and was very temperamnetal, but these 5 years have shown me all the hardships nd taught me so much that now i feel that i have completely changed.
one can find a mix of environment in hostel, there can be good and bad,but it depends on the person that which path he chooses as he has full freedom to get diverted to any environment.keeping oneself aways from the bad things is a huge task faced by the hostelites,but in my opinion a person can identify what is good for him and what is bad,as it is taught to us from the childhood that which path is the correct one.So hostel life has its own advantages and disadvantages but overall its a wonderful ecperience.And people living in hostel fall in love with it,unlike when they came they hated this place so much.

Friday, May 29, 2009


Strikes means when people agree that they will form a group and protest against something which is not according to their will or refuse to accept any proposal.Strike causes alot of loss as a whole to a country or a company in which strike is observed, becuase when people are on strike they not doing their work and also carry out rallies and cause some destructive actions.
In Pakistan strike is not a new word,even a layman can answer it and will be aware of it because its now a topic of daily routine,everyday there is a call for strike by one party or the other.But have we ever thought about the affects strikes have, their are short run and long run affects of the strikes.Strikes are not carried out by uneducated people as there is a misconception,they are mainly carried out by well educated person.But i think its now high time that we should realize that people now dont get impress by this kind of actions,causing inconvenience to fellow citizens,burning tires and vehicles is not at all civilized.strikes are not good for people who are daily wage workers,or who are below the poverty line instead these strikes cause anxiety,fear and stress amongst the poor people.
Strikes are no more respected in any country or area,because they affetc the overall economy as their is a heavy loss of infrastructure,many strikes are so violent that they can take many important lives,its high time that we change and think more as humans not as some party members or groups because we are damaging our own present and future.we should come up with a more educated way of protesting,for this purpose good governanve is required, governmnet should not allow any strikes to be carried out,people no more believe in carrying out strikes as this cannot solve their problem in return it causes them much loss.

In my opinion no strikes should be allowed and their should be an alternative way adopted regarding protesting any rule or law.A more justified and civilized way is the need of time because we are already undergoing so much tensions that we cant bear anyother loss of human life,or any damage to the infrastructure.