Sunday, May 31, 2009

Reading Newspaper or watching News:

When we read newspaper or watch news on tv we will find alot of news which are taken as ordinary news, a suicide bomb blast is an ordinary news,than there is a news that Pakistan have once again knocked the door of IMF, there is again call for strike across teh country, one school has been burnt, a journalist has been kidnapped, a doctor has been murdered in the hospital, these all are ordinary news,But the question is what is teh aftermath of all this?
When their is a strike or a rally whose loss is it ours or the ones who call for the strike, just think about a person who comes from some far away village to city just to earn a daily wage of Rs 200-250 and send some money back to his old mother or for the treatment of his ailing father or to his children, but on the day of strike their are no earnings and on this day his children will sleep without having food, his father will have no medicine to cure his disease, his children fees cannot be paid at that time nothing happens, our leaders shout on the media that get united tommorow we will have a strike, those who work for us are the sufferers of all these actions. This is not an ordinary news infact its not news at all, Our leaders in whose eyes the nation is ordinary so the problems concerned with the ordinary people ar also ordinary so why would they think about them.
Its my request that next time when You people read newspaper or watch news on television just try to feel the pain hidden in these ordinary news because only we ordinary people can understand the problems related with our nation.

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