Friday, June 5, 2009

Sitting alone on the bench

AS i sit alone on the bench at this time of the night in my hostel,there is complete peace.Im thinking about the time that we friends have spent together, and about that when we will be seperated and get busy in our own lives and work.The time spent with friends are the golden moments of my life,and i wil always cherish them.fighting over small issues and then talking the very next moment,childish behaviour,the examination days,the tensions of result,hanging out,shopping all day long, the fear of getting late into the hostel and than scolding from the warden,always wishing someone bring us delicioes food,awakening the whole night watching movies or talking and then sleeping the whole day,everything have passed and now im left alone thinking will these good moments come again.I get up put a stop to my thinking,because tiem has to pass,and I just wish that we all remain happy where ever we go.

SO enjoy every minute of life as YOu get it once...BE happy alway

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